Strimujte uživo – Live hangouts Youtube

Nije baš najnovija vest, ali ja sam ovaj novi Google-ov servis testirala tek pre neki dan. Koliko sam videla po postovima na netu, Live stream hangouts su pušteni u javnost još 30. jula.

Mislim da je ovo servis koji će konačno pojednostaviti live art – performance, a verovatno će najviše efekta imati na edukaciju, odnosno pravljenje tutorijala i projekte koji zahtevaju kolaboraciju.

Bacila sam pogled na sajt Rhizome-a da vidim da li su neki online umetnici već koristili ovaj feature – i našla sam par primera- jedan je edukativni a drugi kolaborativni .

Ja sam test obavila komunicirajući sama sa sobom – sa dva računara, a kasnije te večeri sam ćaskala sa mojim prijateljem umetnikom- Duško  Bojinović , bez livestreaminga, samo smo se ispričali i pokušali da delimo ekrane i puštamo jedno drugom video klipove sa youtubea. Međutim nije sve funkcionisalo savršeno.

Prikazaću vam par sceen-ova, čisto da uvidite o čemu je reč i da možete da isprobate servis, možda zatreba.

Pogledajte prvo Google-ov zvaničan uvod u live hangouts >> OVDE

Evo step BY step uputsva – in English because it’s easier to write.

You can see video streaming announcement in blue ribbon on your Youtube channel.

Link takes you to Google + Hangouts page where you can invite people to join you.  I invited my other account.

But when I opened hangout it displayed button invite people although I invited other person.
Invitation  is  displayed as Google+ alert – small red button on right corner.

Finally when the hangout starts, You can use many apps as Chat, Screenshare, Youtube,  Google effects (?), Google Drive – file exchange, and add some more apps if you want

The best thing is that the video you broacast instantly stays on your Youtube channel, and you can edit it online later.

Here is my Live stream experiment. 
Google Hangouts connected with Youtube live streaming offer great features of screensharing, sharing playlists on Youtube etc. This feature was meant for sponsored channels only since May 2012, but now is 
public and available for everyone. It supports up to 10 peiople in chatroom according to review that I found on Mashable 
While streaming on Google+ , Youtube channel displays video in realtime and it is public and available for everyone.
I found some interesting educative and collaborative examples on the while I was contemplanting some ideas on how to use this feature in some ART projects.